Use case: Bertrand Gaté


Company presentation

I set up an auto-entreprise in 2017 to run my events magician business. It wasn’t until 2023 that the business took off and I was able to make a living from it. The job involves performing magic and mentalism at corporate cocktail parties and other private events. Either I do a close-up, i.e. I wander among the guests to perform my miracles, or I do a show in front of everyone. My customers are mainly companies who want to give their employees a treat. I also work for private clients at weddings and birthday parties.

Customer interview with Bertrand, professional magician

What was the problem before calling YourCharlie?

When a customer calls on my services, most of the time they don’t know me. So he has to trust what he sees on my website and my networks. To help them with this research, I try to show them as many reviews as possible so that they can be reassured about my services.

So I had a lot of Google reviews. But we work in an industry where all magicians have 5-star reviews. To stand out from the crowd, you need either more reviews than the others, or higher quality reviews. There’s nothing better than video testimonials.

A customer who takes the time to write a testimonial is proof that he or she is truly satisfied and committed. In addition, it gives more details on how the service was carried out.

YourCharlie solved my video testimonial problem. Before learning about this solution, I wouldn’t have even asked my customers for a video, for several reasons:

– I can’t film my customers on the spot to take a testimonial from them, it’s too complicated.
– Even if I could, I don’t know how to edit video. Sure, I could learn, but it would take me a long time in any case.

YourCharlie has solved both these problems.

Why did you choose YourCharlie to produce your testimonials?

The solution is easy to use. What’s more, their pricing is based on performance. I only pay if I get a customer testimonial. So I have nothing to lose by using YourCharlie.

How did using YourCharlie go?

It’s intuitive to use. What’s more, I was quickly contacted by the Customer Success Manager, who took the time to answer my questions and explain how the solution worked. No complaints about use.

What were the results?

In just a few months, I went from zero video testimonials to 5-6. Even if it’s hard to measure the impact of these videos on my business, they’ve done nothing but good for my conversion/signature rates.

How do you use YourCharlie’s video testimonials?

I use video testimonials in two ways:

– I embed video testimonials on my sales pages to increase the conversion rate.
– More importantly, I include my videos in the quotations I send to my customers. To do this, I use Oneflow, an electronic signature solution that allows me to personalize the quote and add videos if required. In my case, I add video testimonials.